Privacy Policy

Last updated: August.20,2024


This Privacy Policy explains who we are, and how and what personal information we collect, use, store, entrust for processing, share, transfer, and publicly disclose about you and/or your child. lt also describes the information security measures we take, as well as the rights and methods available to you for accessing, updating, deleting. and controlling your and/or your child’s personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to our product Loomi World: Your Avatar Life. By using our services, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and consent to our processing of information as specified herein.




We understand the importance of our users personal information, and more importantly the information pertaining to children under 13 years of age. We do not collect or require users to enter their personal information when using our Products. We do not collect any personal information from children with our apps.we colectinformation when a user plays the app or makes purchases All this information is collected and stored on our  database and transferred via secure socket layer. We use encryption to make sure that third parties cannot listen on the conversation between your mobile device and ourservers, and to ensure thatinformation is sent only to ourservers, in order to minimizethe chance of a maliciousentity that might want toimpersonate our server.



The app does not activelycollect any information fromchildren.It does collect technicalinformation which does notspecifically identify a user butsupports the operation.



Your children are special andimportant, The law providesthem with greater protectionsthan adults, which includestheir right not to have theirpersonal data used formarketing purposes, and thatthey may delete this data atany time. lt also grants themthe right to not be subject todata collection without theirspecific consent. while undersome jurisdictions, thecollection of a child’spersonal data is notconditioned on consent, wetake the harsher approachand apply this condition to alljurisdictions.



We have implementedappropriate technicalandorganizational measures toprotect the confidentiality,security and integrity of thecollected information, and toprevent unauthorized accessand the use of informationcontrary to this Privacy Policy,Although we usecommercially reasonableefforts to assure that yourinformation remains securewhen maintained by us,please be aware that nosecurity measures are perfector impenetrable.



We will keep personal data for as long as it is necessary for the relationship with You or otherwise permitted or required under the Applicable Law, lf We are processing a specific request that You have

sent to Us, We will generally keep the concerned persona data for as long as is necessary to process this request.Afterwards, We may retain personal data for an appropriate period ourselves from legal clairs, toadminister Our business, or to the extent permitted by the Applicable Law, which may require Us to hold the relevant personal data for specific periods. lf We process personal data based on consent, We will delete this personal data upon withdrawal of the consent. lf a different retention period will apply to any personal data,this will be specified at the time that personal data is collected (e.g. when We ask for consent).



We may make changes tothe policy from time totime so please be sure tocheck regularly. lf wemake a material changeto this policy we will postnotice prior to makingthe change. lf you wouldlike more informationplease contact us